- Sunshine

- Socialising
Some may enjoy the solitude and meditation of camping solo, but for those more inclined to make a social event of it, you are potentially extending your lifespan, without even knowing it! Supporting research also suggests that hanging out with your pals has positive effects on memory problems. Camping is such a fun environment to be spending time with friends and family, and nurturing relationships, new or old, only warms the heart further. Happiness all round!
- Quality sleep
Tucked up by 10pm and waking up naturally, just as life should be! But when does that ever happen in everyday life? A campfire before bed is the perfect way to wind down and switch off the brain, making an early bedtime no problem at camp. It's likely that you'll be physically exhausted too, and as long as you've got a good sleeping pad and cosy sleeping bag, you're set for a top night of snoozing under the stars. To make matters even more dreamlike, there is evidence that suggests sleeping away from artificial light helps us to reset our circadian rhythms, leaving us feeling less groggy in the mornings.
- Stress relief
The effects of time in the great outdoors are so significant on stress levels, that there are now companies offering wilderness therapy programmes to help ease the symptoms of stress and other mental problems.
- Step away from electronics
The explosion of mobile technology has sparked increased interest and research into the potential negative effects it has on our health. Studies have found that anxiety and poor sleep can be connected with the overuse of phones and computers, so a weekend without them will do you more good than you might realise. Time away from your phone also allows you to connect with nature and your natural surroundings instead. So ditch the screen and enjoy the moment with those you are with.
- Fresh air
Ever wondered why we take a deep breath when we step into the fresh air? Well, aside from the lack of pollution entering our system, the air in areas of high tree density has higher levels of oxygen in it, and a big deep breath of it sends extra oxygen to the brain. This in turn releases more of the good stuff (serotonin), which once again, elevates the mood. Ah, feeling good just thinking about it! A weekend in pollution free air will also help to detoxify the body, giving your immune system an extra boost for all round good health.